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【和訳】 Christina Aguilera - Save Me From Myself

It's not so easy loving me 
It gets so complicated, all those things you gotta be 
Everything's changing but you're the truth
I'm amazed by all your patience, everything I put you through

And when I'm about to fall 
Somehow you're always waiting with your open arms to catch me
You're gonna save me from myself
from myself, yes
You're gonna save me from myself


My love is tainted by your touch(あなたに触れられて私の愛は染まっていく)
Well some guys have shown me aces(エースを見せてくれた男性もいたけど)
But you've got that royal flush

I know it's crazy everyday

Well tomorrow may be shaky

But you never turn away

Don't ask me why I'm crying

Cuz when I start to crumble, you know how to keep me smiling
You always save me from myself
from myself, myself

You're gonna save me from myself

I know it's hard, it's hard
But you've broken all my walls

You've been my strength, so strong

And don't ask me why I love you(私があなたをどうして愛してるかなんて聞かないで)
It's obvious your tenderness is what I need to make me
a better woman to myself
to myself, myself


You're gonna save me from myself 






【和訳】Shakira - Eyes Like Yours (Ojos Asi)

Oh, you know I have seen a sky without sun,  a man with no nation (Oh、私は見てきたの、太陽のない空、国を持たない男をね) Saints, captive in chains, a song with no name for lack of imagination (鎖に繋がれた聖職者、想像力に欠けた無名の歌もね) (Y'allah hey! Ya hey! Y'allah hey!) And I have seen darker than ebony (そして見たの、黒檀よりも暗いものを) (Y'allah hey! Ya hey! Y'allah hey!) And now it seems that I without your eyes could never be (どうやらあなたの瞳なしにはいられないみたい) My one desire, all I aspire is in your eyes forever to live (私の欲しいもの、強く望むのは、あなたの瞳とともに永遠に生きること) Traveled all over the seven oceans (七つの海すべてを渡っても) There is nothing that I wouldn't give (私の望むものは何もなかった) Came from Bahrain until Beirut (バーレーンからベイルートまで旅をして) Looking for someone comparing to you (あなたに匹敵する人を探したけど) Tearing down windows and doors (窓やドアを破っても) And I could not find eyes like yours (あなたの瞳に勝るものはなかったわ) Rabboussama'i fikarraja'i, fi ainaiha ara hayati Ati ilaika min haza alkauni, arjouka labbi labbi nidai Came...

【和訳】Madonna - Don't Cry For Me Argentina

It won't be easy, you'll think it strange (簡単に理解できることじゃない、あなたは変に思うかもしれない) When I try to explain how I feel (我がままに生きてきたのに) That I still need your love after all that I've done (別れた後も、未だにあなたの愛を必要としてる) You won't believe me (信じてくれないわね) All you will see is a girl you once knew (あなたがかつて知っていた少女を私の中に見てしまうから) Although she's dressed up to the nines (例え豪華に着飾っていても) At sixes and sevens with you (あなたを困らせてしまうわね) I had to let it happen, I had to change (全ては必然だった、私は変わらなければならなかったの) Couldn't stay all my life down at heel (みすぼらしい人生に我慢ができなかった) Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun (窓の外を見渡し、太陽の光を見る) So I chose freedom (そして私は自由を選択した) Running around, trying everything new (駆け回り、新しいことは何でも試した) But nothing impressed me at all (でも、何もピンと来なかったわ) I never expected it to (そのことが予想外だったの) Don't cry for me Argentina (泣かないで、アルゼンティーナ) The truth is I never left you (あなたを置き去りにしたことは決してない) All through my wild days (荒れ果てた日々を通して) My mad existe...